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About UsIntroduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

Group company gained achievements again in self-innovation and Three type products was awarded again

      A few days ago, China mechanical universal components&parts industry association issued the No.9,2015 documents among which approved and announced eight special awards in the chain transmission industry of China and twelve excellent awards titled 2014 excellent self-innovation new products, Donghua obtained two special awards and one excellent award.    This year,Donghua group totally declared three types self-innovation high-end chain new products to the China mechanical universal components&parts industry association and among them P12F1SS nuclear cable chain and P60-DD3F1 thin film stretching chain obtained special awards ,CL10F6-30N eight wheel all terrain auto toothed chain obtained excellent awards ,which are industry awards that Donghua obtained again for the self-innovation high-end transmission products and it already was awarded many times by the chain industry association in the past many years.    The three type excellent new products awarded this time are both special chain products that supporting the medium and high end equipment in the important economic area of China.P12F1SS stainless chain is applied with the import equipment of the nuclear facilities ,P60-DD3F1 chain is the special transmission parts applied with the capacitance film stretching equipment ensuring its stable operation ,CL10F6-30N chain is the toothed chain special for army vehicles of all the bad road conditions. All three chains have high requirements of precision ,quality and also hard produced and are high value added products for the society profit and economy and also are another achievements that Donghua group carried out technology innovation ,continuously make products transformation and upgrading and overcome one by one technique and process difficulties.    The excellent self-innovation new products election activity that China mechanical universal components&parts association carried out in the range of whole chain industry already was registered and approved by the SASAC of the state council.By participating in this election activity,Donghua already effectively promoted the products structure adjustment and transformation&upgrading and was awarded every year in the past ten years.The achievements Donghua obtained this time again is the affirmation and praise of the society for it, which would lead Donghua group further implement the self innovation and technology process and then realize new development.

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